Saturday, November 1, 2008

Money, Money, Money

Have you ever noticed that there are certain subjects most people will not openly talk about? Most people will not talk about money or money management. Why is that? Why is it a social suicide to talk about money?

Are we in some unvoiced competition of "who makes the most money" and we are afraid that we will lose? Are we afraid that people will judge us if they knew more of our financial situation? Would we behave differently if we did talk more openly about the subject? I don't know. All I know is that there is this unwritten rule that you don't talk about money. Well . . .


(Actually, one of us has a degree in finance, worked in internal audit, and has helped many friends and family with budgeting and money management! She will do most of the talking.)

The first thing we think is important to understand is this: "The anwer to money problems is NOT making more money. The answer is learning to better manage the money you have."

We would love to have others join in our discussion! If you have a question or experience you would like to share, then please leave a comment! Or you can just read and enjoy our conversations about money.

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